Employment and Nutrition by joint strategic investments
The Programme “Promotion of Pro-Poor Growth for Peace Consolidation and Youth Empowerment” (GPCYE) – is part of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany‘s development cooperation with the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) linked to the country’s “Poverty Reduction Strategy”, as well as the “National Food Security Strategy” (FEED Salone) and the Youth Empowerment Scheme (YES), both part of Sierra Leone’s “Big Five” pillars of development. The programme is implemented by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) in Sierra Leone with advisory support from ECO Consult.
Climate resilience and sustainability by high-quality infrastructure and capacity building
GPCYE provides investments in local economic infrastructure thereby fostering income generation from labour-intensive construction and improved economic conditions (improved market access, reduction of post-harvest losses, etc.). Enhanced economic and climate resilient infrastructure along the rice value chain is installed (roads, bridges, grainstores with boreholes and water-towers) and operation, maintenance, and management capacities of key stakeholders are developed. The significantly enhanced training of NaCSA engineers at central and district level and of construction companies in the implementation and quality management of construction projects is a major new focal point. capacity building measures aim at improving the sustainability and climate resilience of the infrastructure investment creating the best possible impact for the population, especially the youth, in the districts of Kono, Kambia, Bonthe, Moyamba and Bo where the programme intervenes after jointly assessing the needs and priorities together with the district authorities.
Improvements by impact
Previous programme phases have proven that the GPC system works and has a beneficial impact on the target groups in the rural districts of Sierra Leone. With the new focus of GPCYE, the investments will be implemented in an even more sustainable and durable manner. By the end of the program, more than 50 income-generating facilities (grainstores and boreholes / water towers, etc.), that help the target group to adapt to climate effects, will be installed. Communities are enabled to ensure the operation and maintenance of the income-generating facilities and numerous young individuals will have received additional qualifications in construction work. 300 km of feeder roads will be rehabilitated and the travel time on the rehabilitated feeder roads to reach local markets and crucial infrastructure of regional centres will be reduced by half.