Future is our daily business

Team Leader

Country: Lao PDR
Project: Climate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (CliPAD)
Subject of the tender: Support of agricultural enterprises along selected agricultural value chains
Donor: GIZ
Project duration: January 2025 to March 2027
Duration of position: 27 months
Application deadline: September 30, 2024
For further information, please contact Fernando Camargo: fernando.camargo@eco-consult.com


  • Overall responsibility for the work packages of the contractor
  • Overall strategic & conceptual advice
  • Ensuring the coherence and complementarity of the contractor’s services with other services delivered by the overall GIZ project at local and national level
  • Design, implementation and monitoring of capacity development measures for local partners in the areas business development and entrepreneurship promotion
  • Responsibility for taking cross-cutting themes into consideration (for example, gender equality, environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation)
  • Staff management, in particular identifying the need for short-term assignments within the available budget, planning and managing the assignments and supporting local and international experts
  • Overseeing regular monitoring and evaluation of project activities and reporting
  • Responsibility for checking the use of funds and financial planning in consultation with the officer responsible for the commission at GIZ
  • Supporting the officer responsible for the commission in updating and/or adapting the project strategy, in evaluations and in preparing a follow-on phase
  • Providing recommendations for leveraging synergies and avoiding duplication with interventions by other development agencies
  • Preparing and hosting policy dialogues in close coordination with GIZ
  • Ensuring data protection and information security


Education/training: University degree (‘master’s or equivalent) in Economics, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship or Innovation 

Language: Knowledge of English C1-level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 

General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in private sector development within the agricultural sector of which 12 months in the last 5 years

Specific professional experience: 7 years of professional experience in climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches for the private sector of which 12 months in the past 5 years 

Leadership/management experience: 4 years of management experience in projects, companies or other organisations with disciplinary leadership responsibility for 5 people

International professional experience outside the country/region of assignment: A total of 5 years of professional experience in two countries outside Laos

Professional experience in the country and/or region of assignment: 3 years of professional experience in South-eastern Asia (in accordance with UN DESA Statistics Division), of which 1 year in Lao PDR

Experience in the field of development cooperation: 6 years of experience working in development cooperation projects

Other: 3 years of experience advising political institutions on MSME promotion

7 years of professional experience in climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches for the private sector (8 out of 10 points) of which 12 months in the past 5 years (2 out of 10 points)



* Required fieldChamps obligatoires

Apply nowAppliquer maintenant

Family NameNom de famille: *
First NamePrénom(s): *
Date of birth (dd-mm-year)Date de naissance (jj-mm-année): *
NationalityNationalité: *
GenderGenre: *
Mobile / PhonePortable / Téléphone: *
E-mail: *
Country of residencePays de résidence: *


Years of experienceDomaines d’études et diplômes

2 to 5 years2 à 5 ans
5 to 10 years5 à 10 ans
more than 10 yearsPlus de 10 ans


I have qualifications and first working experience in the following fields of work (sector)Je possède des qualifications et une première expérience professionnelle dans les domaines et secteurs d'activité suivants 

Governance for sustainable developmentGouvernance pour un développement durable

Administrative and legal reformRéformes administratives et juridiques
Good GovernanceBonne gouvernance
Local finance and tax reformFinances locales et réformes fiscales
Local and Public Finance managementGestion des finances publiques et locales
Policy advice in the environmental sectorConseil politique dans le secteur de l'environnement
Multilateral environmental agreementsAccords multilatéraux dans le domaine de l'environnement
Regional cooperationCoopération régionale
Financial mechanisms and instruments (PES)Mécanismes et instruments financiers (PSE)
Public AdministrationAdministration publique
Civil SocietySociété civile


Strategic capacity buildingRenforcement des capacités stratégiques

Development of instruments and aidsDéveloppement d'instruments et d’aides
Didactic concepts and methodsConcepts et méthodes didactiques
Competency development strategiesStratégies de développement des compétences
Strategic evaluationsEvaluations stratégiques
Organisational developmentDéveloppement organisationnel


Climate change response strategies / Strategies against climate changeStratégies de lutte contre le changement climatique / Stratégies contre le changement climatique

Climate change mitigation | REDD+Atténuation du changement climatique l REDD+
Low-carbon land useUtilisation des terres à faible émission de carbone
Ecosystem-based adaptationAdaptation basée sur les écosystèmes
Risk prevention and disaster managementPrévention des risques et gestion des catastrophes
Education and trainingÉducation et formation


Renewable energiesEnergies renouvelables

Analyses and strategies for meeting demand and needAnalyses et stratégies répondant à la demande et aux besoins
Optimisation of energy valueOptimisation de la valeur énergétique
Optimisation of energy value chainOptimisation des chaînes de valeur du secteur énergie
Combustion and conversion technologiesTechnologies de combustion et de conversion
Dissemination and marketingDiffusion et commercialisation
Sustainable use of wood energyUtilisation durable de l'énergie du bois
Small hydropower plantsPetites centrales hydroélectriques


Rural development and food securityDéveloppement rural et sécurité alimentaire

Local and regional developmentDéveloppement local et régional
Value chain developmentDéveloppement de chaines de valeur
Private Sector DevelopmentDéveloppement du secteur privé
Land managementGestion foncière
Small-scale irrigationIrrigation à petite échelle
Agricultural economicsEconomie agricole
Green economyEconomie verte


Environment & Natural resource managementEnvironnement & Gestion des ressources naturelles

Forest managementGestion forestière
Watershed managementGestion des bassins versants
Forest-pasture systemsSystèmes forêts-pâturages
Coastal habitat managementGestion des habitats côtiers
Environmental economicsÉconomie de l'environnement
Non-timber forest productsProduits forestiers non ligneux


Biodiversity conservation and useConservation et utilisation de la biodiversité

Protected area managementGestion des aires protégées
Ecological corridorsCorridors écologiques
Buffer zone managementGestion des zones tampons
Equitable access and benefit-sharing Accès équitable et partage des bénéfices
Benefit-sharingPartage des bénéfices
Valorisation of ecosystem servicesValorisation des services écosystémiques
Sustainable tourismTourisme durable
Environmental educationEducation environnementale
Land Use PlanningAménagement du territoire
Land & Erosion & SoilTerres & Erosion & Sols



Education (formal and no formal)Education (formelle et non-formelle)
Vocational TrainingFormation professionnelle
Dual education systemFormation duale


RegionsJ’ai une expérience professionnelle dans les régions et pays suivants:

Latin America & CaribbeanAmérique latine et Caraïbes
Central AmericaAmérique centrale
Southern AmericaAmérique du Sud
Northern AmericaAmérique du Nord
Eastern EuropeEurope de l'Est
Northern EuropeEurope du Nord
Southern EuropeEurope du Sud
Western EuropeEurope occidentale
Eastern AfricaAfrique de l’Est
Middle AfricaAfrique centrale
Northern AfricaAfrique du Nord
Southern AfricaAfrique du Sud
Western AfricaAfrique de l’Ouest
Central AsiaAsie centrale
Eastern AsiaAsie de l'Est
Southern AsiaAsie du Sud
South-Eastern AsiaAsie du Sud-Est
Western AsiaAsie occidentale
Australia + New ZealandAustralie + Nouvelle-Zélande
Other regionsAutres régions:


I have working experience with the following donor financing institutionsJ'ai une expérience professionnelle avec les institutions de financement des donateurs suivantes:

World bank
Regional Development BanksBanques de développement régional
Other bilateral institutionsAutres institutions bilatérales


I am fluent in the following languagesJe maîtrise parfaitement les langues suivantes:

Other languagesAutres langues:


Additional InformationInformations supplémentaires:

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